• How to bill the charging?

    How to bill the charging EVs in the apartments? How to share the bill on public electric facilities?

  • How to manage contract capacity problems?

    How to optimize electrical demand and to lower electricity output to avoid exceeding the contract capacity?

  • How to ensure electrical safety?

    How to set the electric current system & amperage for charging the EVs and ensure electrical safety?



EV Charging Management Solution

As en EV Charging System partner of Tesla, xMight provides an Energy Management solution for both residential and office use. We will help you prevent from exceeding the contract capacity. Without recording the meters manually, the information about the costs of electricity can still be acquired clearly. It can be easy to manage your EV Charging stations!

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Smart Building Energy Management System

Through real-time monitoring of electricity consumption for houses, apartment complexes and factories, you can manage your cost of electricity easily. Our AI not only suggests the best plan for your electricity pricing & contract capacity but inform you when detecting failures on the devices.

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Please contact us if you have any idea about energy conservation.

We can optimize the use of electricity by implement a smart EV charging system for the. Let's work together with xMight for a better future of energy conservation.

  • TEL+886-2-8792-5281
  • ADDHQ: 440 N Wolfe Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA

    TW: Rm. W207, 2F., Building A, No. 1, Sec. 2, Jiuzong Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11494, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (Tesla Niehu Campus)